Chatham Yacht Club

Teaching Love of Sailing on Pleasant Bay Since 1921


Summer 2024

Spinsheet -August 25, 2024

Farewell to Summer

It never ceases to amaze me how quickly a summer can pass. This summer was no exception. With the awards given out, the clubhouse closed, and the floating docks removed, we can reflect on a truly wonderful sailing season with minimal disruption!

In our brief 8-week season, we hosted a series of memorable events: Commodore's Cocktails, CYC Beach Days, Two Luncheons, the Sailing School Picnic, Karaoke Evening, Last Hurrah, our annual regatta and signature Regatta Gala. In between, CYC also co-hosted the Daysailer North American Championships.

These events, and the success of the season overall, would not have been possible without the efforts of countless volunteers. Thank you to everyone who contributed!

A special thanks goes to Schuyler Bartlett, our Program Director, and Ryan McGauley, our 420 Race Coach. This summer, Schuyler managed 8 sailing school classes, supervised the fleet of CYC boats, and led a staff of over 20. She ensured our sailors were safe and happy both on and off the water. Ryan, meanwhile, coached the CYC race team in 9 away regattas, where our sailors achieved impressive finishes, including a podium spot at the Southern Mass Sailing Association Durant Trophy. Their dedication was crucial to our success, and we are incredibly fortunate to have them on our team!

We are also deeply grateful to all those who lend their boats, particularly the Beetle and Catboat owners whose generosity makes our crew class and adult sailing classes possible. Your support is invaluable.

At CYC we place a large public emphasis on our fantastic sailing school.  This is not to overshadow our vibrant racing program that allows a multi-generational fleet of sailors the opportunity to take advantage of all that a season on Pleasant Bay offers.  These programs do not happen on their own and we would like to extend a big thank you to all the CYC members who worked to make our racing happen multiple days each week this summer. The CYC Race Committee of Carolyn Paczkowska, Anne Sampson, Jeff Howell, Catie O’Sullivan, Sam Benson, and Co-Chairs Ted Dickson and Marshall Bartlett oversee all our racing activities all summer. The Dock Committee – led by Co-Chairs Melissa Dickson and Dorothy Cary and members Em Dickson, Karen Sheldrick, Melise O’Sullivan, Angela Scipione, Nick and Melissa Proia, Liz Lorin, and Carol Barrow – ensure every race goes off smoothly and places are recorded correctly. The Junior Race Committee of Jessica Scipione, Alex Wesp, Harrison Kintz, Ada Hubbell, Brooke Bishop, Eli Gertsberg, and Sam Bartlett have set the courses and overseen any issues with the Junior Series this summer. Our scoring team of Ann Carson and Michael Klepikov have brought innovation to the complicated task of correctly scoring all the CYC races this summer. Finally, our Patrol, led by Patrol Captains Mike Szymanski and Andy Caggiano, have kept our sailors safe on the Bay all summer. 

Twelve months a year, a great deal of behind-the-scenes work goes into managing CYC. I am tremendously grateful for my support team: Bart Wesp, Gwen Shipley, Nick Proia, Carrie Spring, Marshall Bartlett, Julie Murphy, and Barb Shipley, among others.

Your hard work and dedication make everything possible.

Thank you once again to everyone who made this summer a success.

With gratitude,

Tracy Dart, Commodore

PS - We have a wonderful opportunity to express our gratitude to our incredible staff by contributing to the Staff Appreciation Fund. Our team consistently goes above and beyond their job descriptions, demonstrating exceptional dedication and effort. CYC has generously committed to matching all donations to the Staff Appreciation Fund. (see below for details) This is a fantastic way to amplify our thanks and show our appreciation for their hard work.  Please consider making a contribution to this fund and join us in celebrating the remarkable contributions of our staff. Join me in making a contribution to express our gratitude to this amazing group. You can donate through the following link:

Latebreaking addition - check out the article link below from the Cape Cod Chronicle about the Coleman sisters and our CYC regatta!


Chatham Yacht Club Executive, Sailing Series and Sailing School Awards were presented during the closing meeting on August 17th.  During our awards meeting, TWO new awards were introduced, The Shipley Family Adult Sailing Program Award and The Alice Jacobson Ronty Award. Congratulations to each of you!  


Full List of Recipients

Zodiac Cadet 270 RIB Aluminum rigid hull inflatable tender


The club owns 3 Ribs (Rigid Inflatable Boats) that are currently referred to as “Big Rib”, “New Little Rib” and “Old Little Rib”. No only is this confusing but it seems like a missed opportunity for some fun names. We have informally solicited suggestions and now it is up to everyone to vote. Below are the options. The first name would be for the big rib since some of the options play to the size difference.  (ask your sailing school student for their input also!)

  • Prime Rib, Baby Back Rib & Spare Rib
  • Ribbit, Tadpole & Polliwog
  • Veni, Vidi, Vici
  • Earth, Wind & Fire
  • Alvin, Simon & Theodore



Reach out to Bart Wesp ( for details:

  • Two trailers: (1) for about a 19’ boat, (1) for a 15’ boat
  • Laser Sailboat
  • (2) 420s

Reach out to Emily RIchmond ( for details:

  • (2) Optis


Any boat or equipment on the waterfront area must have the member's name on it. (As it is in the membership directory…)

Any items remaining around CYC without a name is considered abandoned and will become CYC property. 



Two of our instructors received the prestigious  Cary Sampson Award for their leadership in our Recreational Sunfish program.  

"This year, we have two recipients of the Cary Sampson award, as they have worked perfectly in tandem to create what has become the most popular class at CYC. I am always eager to see the lesson plans they will create, as they have the most creative and engaging ideas. Some highlights from this summer were Inside Out Day, Taylor Swift Day, CYC Outbreak Day, America’s Got Talent Day, Super Hero Day, Tour de Pleasant Bay, and Harry Potter Day, complete with British accents, of course. Each class is complete with themed activities, such as having a sorting ceremony into GAFFendor, RavenCLEW, SAILtherin, and HufflePUFF for Harry Potter Day.

I always love observing their class because there is so much fun and so much joy present. They have truly transformed the Sunfish program and are such incredible teachers. I am thrilled to present this year’s Cary Sampson award to Coco Fitzmaurice and Julia Szymanski." - Schuyler Bartlett

In addition to character days, Sunfish Theme Days and windy days and the oh so many fun days, our Opti and 420 Race teams enjoyed a busy summer sailing season competing in many away regattas.   Shout Out to our 420 Race Team Coach, Ryan McGauley and our Opti Race Team Coaches Cody Lamoreux and Cailyn Murhpy for an excellent season. 

A recap of the race team results are below: 

BEVERLY JR REGATTA- August 13& 14 (69 boats)

6th Alex Wesp / Max Wesp

SMSA GIL TROPHY  (36 boats)

2nd Julia Scipione / Sophie Dart

23rd Jessica Scipione / Ada Hubbell 

HYANNIS YOUTH INVITATIONAL - August 7,8 (88 boats)

4th Alex Wesp / Max Wesp

8th Julia Scipione / Brooke Bartlett

36th Harrison Kintz / Ada Hubbell

48th Henry Bishop / Brooke Bishop

SMSA TEAM RACE CHAMPIONSHIPS (Durant Trophy) at Hyannis Yacht Club - July 24 & 25 (14 teams)

Chatham Yacht Club 3rd Place 

Sailors:  Brooke Bartlett, Henry Bishop, Sophie Dart

Ada Hubbell, Jessica Scipione, Julia Scipione, Alex Wesp, Max Wesp  (1st Place, New Bedford YC, 2nd Hyannis YC in a head to head tie breaker with CYC)

VINEYARD HAVEN JUNIOR 420 REGATTA - July 18 &19 (32 boats)

4th Jack Schneider / Sophie Dart

5th Alex Wesp / Max Wesp

15th Henry Bishop / Brooke Bishop

16th Harrison Kintz / Jamie Eslick

EDGARTOWN JR ONE DESIGN REGATTA - Juy 16 & 17 (44 boats)

7th Alex Wesp / Max Wesp

12th Jack Schneider / Sophie Dart

25th Harrison Kintz / Jamie Eslick

32nd Henry Bishop / Brooke Bishop

NEW BEDFORD JR REGATTA - July 17 (57 boats)

10th Max Wesp / Alex Wesp

50th Henry Bishop / Zach Wesp 


1st Julia Scipione / Brooke Bartlett

5th Harrison Kintz / Jessica Scipione

6th Alex Wesp / Max Wesp

27th Henry Bishop / Ada Hubbell

HYANNIS YOUTH INVITATIONAL - August 7,8 (95 boats)

12 Sam Bartlett

16 Lucas Proia

36 Eli Gertsberg

39 Millie DiRocco

53 Warren Richmond

77 Miriam Gertsberg

BARNSTABLE GREEN FLEET - August 5th (30 boats)

4 AJ DiRocco

16 Charlotte Graupe

20 Ava Dow

24 Nicholas Dow

27 Jane Richmond

28 Nolan Hubbell


Championship Fleet (60 boats)

5 Sam Bartlett

11 Millie DiRocco

12 Eli Gertsberg

24 Lucas Proia

25 Maret Downs

33 Emery Benson

39 Lillian Stoddard

Blue Fleet 

11 Millie DiRocco 

24 Lucas Proia  

33 Emery Benson  

37 Warren Richmond  

39 Lillian Stoddard  

Red Fleet 

5 Sam Bartlett

12 Eli Gertsberg

25 Maret Downs

Green Fleet (34 boats)

28 Aiden Stoddard

32 AJ DiRocco

STAGE HARBOR OPTI REGATTA - July 2nd (51 boats)

Championship Fleet (56 Boats)

2   Sam Bartlett [Red]  

4   Millie DiRocco [Blue]  

7   Lucas Proia [Blue]  

32   Maret Downs [Red]  

40   Miriam Gertsberg [White]  

41   Warren Richmond [White]  

52   Elizabeth Downs [Blue]  

Green Fleet (19 boats)

3 Sawyer Hemingway

12  Nolan Hubbell

18  AJ DiRocco



Our sailing school staff has done a wonderful job this year! If you feel positive about the job these hard working young people have done for the last eight weeks, or if you want to give an extra thank you for your child's sailing school experience, please donate to the staff appreciation fund.  The club uses these funds to give bonuses to the teachers.   *This year, during the closing meeting, CYC voted and approved mathing donations to the staff appreciation fund up $5,000.

Thank you!

Contribute Here


Cape Cod Chronicle | Media - Harwich Chamber of Commerce website | Harwich  Chamber of Commerce

"Chatham Sisters (Natalie Coleman-Fuller and Allison Coleman) Make History By Winning 63rd Day Sailer North American Championship"

Featured in the August 21 edition of the Cape Cod Chronicle!  (Including a write up about the CYC regatta!) 

Cape Cod Chronicle Article


Thank you to Cathy Taylor for hosting the adult sailing students to her beautiful home after the last class!

Please join us in thanking our members who have contributed their time and energy developing and running our (fun!) ADULT sailing class. 

Ann Carson

Dorothy Cary

Allison Coleman

Natalie Coleman Fuller

Margaret Graupe

Anna Harper

Jeff Howell

Wendy Howell Gullick

Emily Richmond

Phil Robbins

Maxine Robbins

Anne Sampson

Gwen Shipley

Carrie Spring

Cathy Taylor

Karen Taylor

And our amazing boat owners who have graciously loaned their boats to the program: 

The Burmeister Family

The Carson Family

The Carter Family

The Coleman Family

The Colin Fuller Family

The Downs Family

Anna Harper

The Howell Family

The Kincaid Family

The Sampson Family

The Scipione Family

The Sherer Family

The Shipley Family

Cathy Taylor

The Terwilliger Family


Paul Lamoreux has generously shared his album of our action packed regatta.  Use these links below to view his images of the 420 and Opti lines.

Regatta Photos    

CYC 2024 SEASON PHOTOS  - they are terrific!

CYC Season Photos



THANK YOU to all of our volunteers who helped to clean and close our clubhouse and grounds.  It's no easy task but this year went very smoothly and we finished in record time!  CYC would not be able to open or close without your elbow grease, we are GRATEFUL See you next June when it's time to do it in reverse!

NOTE : The bathrooms remain accessible until it is deemed too cold to sail. 


Prepare for the HOLIDAYS and place your CYC gear orders early!    Due to the custom and made-on-demand nature of the CYC gear, please allow for extended lead times to receive.  We have been advised that all orders for the December holidays should be placed by November 7th.  

CYC Gear


Any boats in the mooring field should be checked before and after - regardless if this is during the open CYC season or after this weekend. 


Check out our Instagram Feed and FOLLOW US!

Chatham Yacht Club | P.O. Box 531 | North Chatham, MA 02650

CYC is a 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization. Your donations are tax deductible!

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